Blue States
As big of a pain in the neck as it was to listen to all the election talk everywhere I turned, this presidential election led me to do some serious thinking. I have come to a bunch of conclusions about American politics as it relates to me and made some observations about voting behavior- my own and others'. Please forgive my run on sentences and lack of cohesiveness in the following points. I am just thinking out loud.
1. I have no grasp on the subject of politics, at all. I haven't bothered to educate myself because it all sounds so boring to me. Plus,
2. In my opinion, the general public doesn't get any real facts about issues and candidates, anyway. Hard data can be molded to support any agenda being pushed. Most politicians are lawyers and lawyers are schooled in the art of debate and manipulating people. If objective information exists, it is buried too deep for access by the average citizen that doesn't understand the intricacies of our legal system. So,
3. It seems to me that most people vote by following the opinions of others that they like and whose judgement they trust....(Or, in some cases they vote opposite from someone they don't trust or find repelling.)
4. In my case, I am totally confused. There are both conservative and liberal influences in my life. So, this doesn't even help me chose my political views. In recent years, I have been doing what many dutiful married women do- vote the same way as my husband.
5. This election, as I was pressing the button to make my choice for the next American President, I felt a nagging lack of confidence in my choice. Later on, upon sorting out my feelings by talking to a co-worker, I realized that my opinions on major social issues contradicted the way I voted.
6. As much as I despise all of the conflicts that go along with politics, I'm thinking that I need to come to a better understanding of its importance. Although I always do by civic duty by voting (I owe it to the suffragettes that endured physical torture so that women could vote) I keep thinking that it's all a big game that brings out some of the worst traits and seediest behavior in humanity and that anyone that gets involved with running for office is an ego maniac at the very least and at worst, an all out criminal. I can't believe that some people actually enjoy politics or get a thrill from it. I get a headache from it.
7. I still am asking the question, do politicians ever do anything that makes the world a better place?
8. Now that it's all over, all I can say for now is God Bless President Elect Obama. He's going to need all the help he can get.
Posted in: on Thursday, November 6, 2008 at at 10:30:00 AM