Westminster 2009
I am finally done processing through my brain, my annual trip to Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show with "The Other Alice.". I think I've said this before: in the world of Alice, this 2-day event would be a national holiday. As it is, I always take floating holidays off from work when it's going on. This year we went on Tuesday so that we could meet up with The Other Alice's relatives. We accomplished our primary goal- to pet as many dogs as possible. Neither of us care that much who wins and who doesn't. To us it's just a big smorgasbord of dog therapy! I also enjoyed taking pictures with my new SLR camera.
The benching area is always very crowded with dogs and people so the area typically was very hot. By the time we got to the Papillon row, I was about ready to pass out from the heat. We decided to take a break so we went into the arena where they were judging the breeds. Coincidently, we sat down in view of the ring where they were judging the Sussex Spaniels. I'm usually not right about such things but this time my hunch was correct. I just new that little dog, "Stump" was this years Best in Show.
A few days later while doing laundry, I found a business card in the pocket of the jeans that I wore to Westminster. Ironically it was from Stump's breeder whom I must have conversed with at some point in my dog petting feast. I emailed them to congratulate them on their win and today they emailed me back.
I can only imagine what it must feel like to have your dog become an instant celebrity. To think about it gives me shivers up my spine!
I feel priviledged to have friends that have been in this spot! I will never forget that moment in 2006 when the judge made his entry in the book then walked toward the finalists and announced the winner: "The Colored Bull Terrier!" I picked the winner that time, as well! I never get tired of hearing Rufus' mom and dad tell me what it was like with all the cameras and reporters in the middle of Madison Square Garden plus making the rounds of parties and television talk shows. As shy as I can be at times, I am so glad that I made the effort to meet Rufus and his family! They are 100% great!
Posted in: on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at at 8:45:00 AM