Alice Joins Facebook
I received an email message informing me that Diane signed up for Facebook and that she was inviting me to sign up and become her friend....OK. I've been hearing and reading a lot about Facebook lately. Being the curious cat that I am, I followed Diane's lead and got my own Facebook account. I started out by locating associates that I suspected would be on FB. That wasn't difficult since FB automatically tells you who from your workplace has an account. From this fairly large number of people, I selected a few individuals to be my Facebook friends. Many of these people I see everyday.
Next, I started to guess at other current associates outside of work that might be using FB. I found a few people from this population and made them my FB friends.
Then I started to cross over into obsession- trying to locate individuals from my past that I have lost touch with unintentionally or in some cases- intentionally. I found some in both categories and made them my friends.
After a week of playing around with it, these are my thoughts on this online service.
1. It's a fun way to waste time with the shallowest level of communication. 2. However, with all of the shared comments, pictures, flair, and gifted icons, one's wall (FB main page) gets a little overwhelming for my eyes to view. 3. The search keys could be more sophisticated for locating people. Currently, you can only find people by school or company. In many cases- more often than I anticipated, several hits came up for a single name. This occurred even with people that I judged to have unusual names. When you find 8 accounts with the same name but no location or picture to go by, it's like finding a needle in a haystack to find the person you knew. I made a couple of lucky guesses by looking at lists of their friends (that did include location) and through sending messages to people asking if my name is familiar to them. I find it weird that you can't look at an individual's profile until they confirm you as a friend but you can see who they list as friends. 4. Finally, I have a karmic concern about using Facebook to dig up the past. As much fun as it is to find out what became of people, I can't help but thinking that there is a good reason that people are no longer in my life. I feel that I could bring bad luck upon myself somehow....It could be like opening a long buried Pandora's Box. I wonder if anyone else has this concern or if I am just insecure. Aside from this, 5. I think Facebook does not give me enough creative license. I am a web designer at heart.
Posted in: on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at at 9:49:00 AM