Web 2.0: Thing 11 "Library Thing" :-)
I love it! I love it! I love it! "Library Thing" is a web 2.0 service of which I can and will definitely make use. The first thing I did after setting up my account was to add a list of some of the books that I remember reading in the last couple of years. (I used to keep track on a regular basis on my PDA until that device died in November '06.) There was an opportunity even for me to add info for a book that was nowhere to be found using the list of sources that supply LT with "cataloging data" (Amazon, World Cat, LC, etc.). I had to find the ISBN, publisher, copyright date on another website using a Google search. Even then, I made up the descriptive tags for this title. this was the closest I've ever been to doing original cataloging since library school, LOL! The next thing I added was my list of recent titles that I want to read but can't get to right away. I tagged all of the items in my catalog with a reading status: read, unfinished, not yet read....My page element on this blog of random books from my catalog looks really cool as does the chicklet that I added to my blog to indicate that I aprove of this service....I checked out the groups and had trouble tearing myself away. They even have a group for dog lovers where participants were asked to add photos of their pups plus an area for people to go completely off the topic of books and discuss anything they want....Finally, I can't wait to play around with the Andrea's Mosaic tool. I saw a couple of examples in the groups that I scanned. They looked awesome! Beyond the enjoyment and convenience that LT is offering me personally, there is so much this tool has to offer for the library, academic, and business world. I can definitely see LT changing the future of online library catalogs as we know them! Authors (especially self published or indies) can definitely use this as a great advertising tool. (Can you figure out how I've subtly done this already?) by the way, LT is super easy to use and interfaces with Blogger very smoothly!
Posted in: on Monday, April 14, 2008 at at 8:34:00 AM