In Problem Solving Mode For Myself
I haven't had much to report since my last post. Now that some of my big projects have been completed, I am trying to focus on my own health and well being for awhile. Compared to a lot of other people, my health is pretty good. There's nothing life threatening wrong with me. Just little annoying complaints resulting from hitting the age when the warranty starts to run out. I will spare everyone most of the details except for the one that is making me the most crazy. I have gained ten pounds and cannot figure out how this occurred. I have been following the Weight watchers Points system for years and go to the gym 3-5 times every week like I've done for an equal number of years. This year I added a weekly Pilates/Ballet stretch session and yoga. The scale has continued on the incline. Anyone that knows me knows how unacceptable this situation is to me. So I have been devoting most of my time looking for a way to solve this problem along with my other health issues. Thus far my search has led me down a slightly different path than I would have taken before. I'm sure that I will be blogging more about the measures I am taking to improve my health. However, I am still in the diagnosis phase. One thing interesting is that I started working with a "compounding pharmacist" that I met at a staff inservice where I work. They help people suffering from biochemical imbalances with vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements. They also offer guidance concerning diet, exercise and avoiding environmental toxins. It's all very scientific and the practitioners are registered pharmacists. That's why I hesitate to label it "alternative medicine." Although I'm still waiting for some test results, I have committed to taking several supplements. One thing that I have noticed since then is that I no longer need my allergy medication. I haven't taken it for a week and my sinuses are not bothering me. That in itself is a major accomplishment.
Posted in: on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at at 10:34:00 AM