Green Tea and Me
Yesterday I found out the results of a bunch of medical tests. Consequently, I have to make some lifestyle changes. Fortunately, my lifestyle isn't a total disaster. (I exercise regularly and eat vegetables, etc.) Nevertheless, the indulgences that I need to curb because they are effecting my health are the ones that will be most difficult for me. (Sigh!) However, I knew that it was just a matter of time before my bad health habits catch up with me. I was heavily in denial about my consumption of coffee (high test instead of unleaded) and sugars/starches. Both of these were major contributors to my sleep problems and sudden, unexpected (and unappreciated!!!) weight gain. The pharmacist that has been advising me on such matters has strongly recommended that I switch from coffee to green tea and follow a low glycemic index diet (in addition to taking daily supplements.) For the last two weeks I've started taking all of the vitamins that I have sitting in my medicine cabinet plus a few others that have added to my regiment. I have to say that I do notice a difference already in the way I feel. Today, I somehow managed to skip my Wawa 24 oz. coffee although I did have my usual mug before leaving the house. Last night I rediscovered green tea (thanks Barb M.) and it wasn't as awful as I remembered from the last time I tried it several years ago. So that I can start the low glycemic eating plan ASAP, I plan to visit Barnes & Nobles tonight so I can get the books that have been recommended to me that will tell me how to proceed. Their website says that my closest store has everything I need on the shelf. I'm too impatient to wait for my library requests to arrive from other branches...I'm afraid I could gain more weight while I'm waiting! Yikes! On the way home I'll stop at Shoprite and pick up a box of green tea and maybe some other low GI snacks.... On the downside, I'm a little bit mad at Weight Watchers for dismissing my problems in their department as me just not following the plan. They sort of blew me off by telling me just to exercise more. In any case, I'm thankful that I found out the cause of my problem and that it can easily be fixed. I know I can do this. Time for me to go on break and eat my last vitamuffin. Before I close I want to welcome someone new to the cast of characters often mentioned in my blog: "Allen- the- Compounding Pharmacist"whose help with all of this health related stuff I really appreciate. Sorry for being such a pest! That's one thing in my nature that will never change, LOL!
Posted in: on Thursday, July 3, 2008 at at 7:31:00 AM