Getting Down To Business
Except for day trips and short excursions, I am staying close to home for the next few months. My focus is now turning to finishing up some projects that I've started and/or committed myself to starting. These include: getting my house in order, writing something for publication, working on some craft projects, Christmas shopping, and most importantly getting my health back.
1. Adding on and remodeling our house is mostly completed. It took several years and was a nightmare from beginning to end. It is just now that I am finally getting our furniture and possessions organized and removing layers of dust and grime from everything. The main floor is looking up to par for the most part. I still have to fix up some things on the second floor.
2. One of my goals or determinations for 2008 was to publish something that has an ISBN or ISSN attached to it. To my librarian brain, this makes it official. I've written plenty of newspaper articles and press releases for the media over the years but never anything where I've gotten credit for my work. I don't care about getting paid. I just want the byline.
3. I never have enough time to do crafts. Crafts are my favorite passtime along with reading, playing with dogs and listening to Cast in Bronze. I really want to become proficient at knitting and crocheting this winter.
4. This is something I want to get done before the stores get crowded, merchandize gets sold out, and I am too stressed to enjoy the holidays. This year I am determined to send out Christmas cards. I always buy them but never get them mailed.
5. This year I have had a lot of relatively minor but annoying health concerns. Most of it is related to aging and stress or my own stupid behavior. My back still hurts from time to time and I will have to take thyroid meds for the rest of my life. However, I know that I can really help myself through healthy eating, exercise and supplements. For one thing, I really packed on pounds this year. Those extra have got to go. Last night I rejoined Weight Watchers. I have also started working out at the gym every day again. In fact, I need to get off the computer right now and get ready for work so that I can fit exercise into my schedule today.
Posted in: on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at at 6:45:00 AM