Long Time No Type
I can't believe that it's been over two months since I've posted a regular blog entry. Just add this to the list of things I haven't gotten around to doing. I had a long list of things I wanted to accomplish before the end of 2008. Very few of them got done. Life just got in the way. So I'm back to square one or maybe square two. Here are my revised plans and goals for the winter doldrum months.
1. Get my health issues under control. Despite al of the medicine I take, good nutrition habits, plenty of exercise plus the supplements and alternative remedies I try, my hypothyroid symptoms persist. This Thursday, I'm headed back to the doctor.
2. Finish organizing my house the way that I want it. I still have two bedrooms that I haven't touched. One isn't too bad but the other has tons of my mothers stuff that's been sitting there in boxes, unsorted for the last two years. At least I got the upstairs computer/sitting room looking decent.
3. Sell possessions on eBay or Craig's list that I no longer want to keep.
4. Catch up on my reading. Since the last time I blogged, I have finished reading the first two titles in the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers. (The first book was recently released as a feature film for teens.) I've started The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes, and The Nine Tailors by Dorothy L. Sayers and Football for Dummies. I'm trying to get a better understanding of the game so I don't ask my husband stupid questions while the Steelers are playing. Plus, I have another huge pile of books sitting on my coffee table awaiting my attention. These include two titles by Temple Grandin, whom I met Friday night.
4. Work on fiber crafts. I still have never completed a knitting, crocheting, or felting project.
5. Learn to use my new SLR digital camera. The learning curve looks pretty steep. It took me an hour to attach the strap and another hour to figure out what memory card it requires, lol. That's as far as I've gotten.
6. Organize my address book. I have been carrying my contacts around on scraps of paper in a plastic baggie.
7. Write for publication. I contacted one magazine with an idea for an article. A month later they emailed me to say, "don't call us, we'll call you."
Well, this post was a good start for updating my blog. Now I'm going to reward myself by going to the gym for some exercise. I will elaborate on many of the above mentioned topics in the near future as they occupy my mind and my time.
Posted in: on Monday, January 12, 2009 at at 1:02:00 PM