Small Successes Welcome in the Doldrums of Winter!
I'm in a very optimistic and motivated frame of mind today. Now that the exact nature of my thyroid problem has been found and my medication has been accordingly adjusted, I am feeling hopeful about losing weight, having more energy and no longer suffering from strange aches and pains all the time. I drove to work while listening to the bells. That also got my brain functioning...Once at work I made great progress on redesigning our branch newsletter. I originally created it as a vehicle for my supervisor to deliver her bi-monthly report to her bosses at Headquarters. After awhile, she offered it to the branch staff to read. They enjoyed and looked forward to receiving it. Now that she is no longer required to submit this document, we decided to distribute it in a revised format to both our customers and staff. Today, I finished creating the basic template art and logo for the "Manchester Branch Beat." After work, I plan to go to the gym and have a great workout then go home and accomplish some chores around the house...It's the doldrums of winter. None of this is very exciting information to anyone other than me, I am sure. However, it is always a wonderful feeling that progress is being made- that I am moving toward success, even in miniscule sized steps.
Also tonight, I plan to curl up and read a few chapters from The Nine Tailors. I've been struggling with this book by Dorothy L. Sayers for about 3 weeks. It's an interesting enough story (at least I'm sure it will be once I get into it further). The problem for me is the language style is British English plus detailed technical references are made to the art of "change ringing," a style of bell playing perfected and most commonly heard in the UK. I was completely unacquainted with this musical style so I had to stop reading and look up change ringing online. It's very interesting and complicated. I would like to hear what it sounds like. For now I would like to get through this book. I still have a whole pile of other ones calling my name.
Posted in: on Monday, January 26, 2009 at at 5:20:00 PM